Thursday, May 30, 2013

What's for supper?

Today was kind of long---had to go to the dentist and it was an hour in the chair trying not to gag and trying not to sock someone.  I think there were four hands in my mouth at the same time along with the equipment.  But survive I did and I have taken my pain meds, so I will feel better in a few days.  Really it is not hurting as bad as it did before the root canal. 
But how does this have anything to do with supper?  Well, after the dentist "visit" we had to go grocery shopping.  You know you have to make your trips count when you live 45 miles from the big grocery store.  An hour later and a car full we head home.  By the time we got home it was almost supper time.

The strawberries were beautiful and cheap, so of course I bought some.  With strawberries as nice as these, you need to have a plain cake for them to soak into.  Enter Me Maw's Plain Cake recipe.  It is a no frills quick cake....just mix and bake for 40 minutes.  I mixed the cake and into the oven it for supper.
I needed something quick, easy (remember I had been under stress) and did I say quick?

Here is the list of what went into fixing supper.
fresh corn on the cob--bought today
chicken breast ---bought today
1 avocado ----bought today
romaine lettuce---bought today
1/2 green pepper ---I did buy some more, but I used an old one
2 sad green onions---forgot to buy some more onions and these had to be used
 soy sauce

So here goes ---
One small chicken breast sliced in 1/2 inch pieces
pepper chicken well--spray skillet and dump in the chicken when the skillet is hot.  Stir around and then let it almost get to hot on one side--you know as in I almost burned it--- turn down to lower heat--then toss in the chopped green pepper, 2 chopped sad green onions and a dash or two of soy sauce. Stir. Make sure the chicken is no longer pink.  Turn off the skillet and let sit  until you are ready to fill you lettuce leaves. Remember it doesn't take very much soy sauce to give a nice mild flavor. And it will be salty.

Wash  3 or 4 nice romaine lettuce leaves and arrange on plate.  Lay avocado slices on lettuce and top with chicken mixture.  Can top with Ranch Dressing or not.

As a side we had the fresh corn.
Fresh strawberries with cream and cake.
Serves 2

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