Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Enchilada Night

You know there is always a time when you say "What's for dinner"?  Well, last night it was enchiladas and broccoli--I guess that doesn't sound like a Mexican dinner combo, but I did put garlic salt on the broccoli.

I thought they turned out Good!

My Enchiladas

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Corn tortillas sprayed on both sides --Place on a cookie sheet in a single layer. Try to find a nice thick yellow corn tortilla..some are to thin to roll easily---they fall apart.
Warm in a 375 degree oven for 5 to 7 minutes when the meat is almost done

1 lb HB browned
1/2 chopped onion  stirred into the HB when meat is no longer pink
garlic powder and garlic salt to taste

1 small can of Mild enchilada sauce  --warmed

I did the corn tortillas  a different way this time. Traditionally, I think you are suppose to dip them in hot oil and then drain on paper towels...
I just sprayed the corn tortillas with cooking spray on both sides and put a single layer in the oven on a cookie sheet.  When nice and warm and soft, I  filled with the warm meat and sprinkled generously with grated cheese. I  fill and  roll the enchilada in the pan that I am going to cook them in.  Last night I used a 11 1/4 x 7 1/2 x 1 1/2 inch pan.  That kept the sauce up close and personal to the enchiladas.
While the corn tortillas are warming, open a can of mild enchilada sauce and have it warming while you are rolling the enchiladas.  Pour sauce over the top of the enchiladas and cover with grated cheese. Pop into a  375  degree oven until the cheese melts  and the enchiladas are warm. About 10 to 15 minutes.
This made 8 fat enchiladas


  1. That's a great way to do the corn tortillas. I think I'll have to try warming them that way. Think of all the calories you saved! Love you!

    1. I am not sure you save any calories, but it is less mess...I did spray a little to just make a judgement call for yourself.
