Showing posts with label butterflies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label butterflies. Show all posts

Monday, October 26, 2015

Scripture for a Clear Monday Morning

It is such a beautiful morning...very cool and crisp.

What a gorgeous day!  What will I do with it?  I will sing.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

IT'S A MONARCH! may be called Cow Pen Daisy, but the butterflies and bumble bees do not care what it is called, they love it.  This afternoon there was a larger visitor...I will need to check and see just who he is.  After waiting, circling, and waiting some more, I finally got a pretty good shot of the visitor. 

He closes when he sits

Caught him when he opened

Friday, February 27, 2015

A Week Gone By Scripture

Where did the week go?  I can not believe another month has almost already gone.  Fleeting.  It has been cold and warm up here in the canyon.  This weekend is suppose to have ice, sleet, and wind, so I will not be going outside to the rock garden.  I did do a quick pick yesterday with the buggy...just one load of rocks.  What am I worrying about?...summer is coming and it will be long.  This weekend I plan to take a tablecloth apart and make place mats instead.  I like the fabric, but it was just to "busy" for a tablecloth.  I am also going to try the self, easy binding method.  I will see if it works better for me than putting on other methods of binding...grrrr

Thursday, October 31, 2013

This and That

He's really black---but dead---yea

Fall---Butterfly Migration

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Scripture Tile for the Day

I think it is mankind that messes things up...and we try to blame God.  Study to show yourself approved.

We have had a very nice rain and I am sure every flower and blade of grass will perk up beyond recognition...those flowers that were not blooming, will begin and the grass that was brown will turn green almost overnight.
The deer dear were running and playing in the mud this morning.  The deer in waiting did not have their fawns during the storms, so that was nice---but it will be any day now.  I have noticed something funny.  A women that is just about ready to deliver her baby, "walks" in a certain all know how it is...well, the dear deer have a walk that is similar, so they were not the ones running and playing...they were waddling along. Now, I did not say a women waddles, but..........for lack of a better word.....I have seen some women waddle.  I, too, may have waddled just a little in those last months. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

New Tiles

Up early this morning so I could open the kiln....some of the experiments did not turn out as I liked, but they are ok.   The scripture is the good is my part that I am not happy with sometimes.  I give these away to visitors at church, so I need to stock up for the holidays
May you have a wonderful day...