Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It touches the floor bedspread! Or Oversized Bedspread

Well how excited can you get about a white bedspread?  Well, I am pretty excited! I have been searching for years for a comforter or bedspread that would be wide enough for the king sized bed.  Thanks to the internet, I found what is called an oversized bedspread.  And it really is!  I think I can even wash and dry it and it will still be better than anything I have ever tried.  You know the routine...leave it longer on the side that everyone can see and it will be short on the wall side.  How else can you hide (store) things under the bed and not have them seen? 
I chose white...yes, I know, that is kind of boring, not very adventuresome with colors, but it is safe for me. And I now can make a bed runner of any color I want the room to be.  I do like to change colors every 10 years or so.  I kind of get in a rut and just leave things as they are, but I may have turned over a new leaf..there are now so many beautiful colors to choose.

The first bed runner is the  trial and error method--meaning a make as I go.  It is a very easy one.  I really liked the colors and print, so I just used a strip of the fabric. 
Do you think the bed runner should be wider?


  1. Looks great!!! I think the blue is so pretty against the white and you are right--you can do any color you want for the bedrunner. I do not think that it needs to be wider though. So glad you found the oversized bedspread! AC

  2. It does look good! I think the size of the runner is good. Happy for you!
