Friday, June 14, 2013

Old Trees, High Wind, Centipedes

No, the car did not get crashed...but this did happen while Hubby was gone for about 2 hours.  Living in the country brings all kinds of new adventures each day.  On Wednesday afternoon I went out the back door...saw the critter turn and run.  I turned and grabbed the can of insect spray.  I hoped that would addle the thing.  Well, by the time I turned back--he was gone.  I fast walked, I can't say I ran, around to the other side of the car.  No, he was not making a run for it into the woods.  Back around the car I went...trusty can ready.  Finally, I looked under the car,  I thought he may be kind of under one of the tires...NO, he was stopped right in the middle...waiting to see which way I went.  By this time Hubby was up here wondering what in the world I was doing.  So, I was at the back of the car, Hubby was at the front when the critter made a run for it....yikes, he luckily made a run toward Hubby....and could he run fast!  I thought for a minute that "the Critter" was going to win....but no, the shovel did. Below is a web page where you can see what kind of critter it was....

I must say, this one was not quiet as big as the picture...he was about 4 inches...and boy could he run.  The most interesting thing to me was how he evaded us...he turned and ran when I opened the door and found the only place to hid was under the car...
Such is country living.