Sunday, June 16, 2013

After the Rain

A clear morning--after waking up to heavy clouds for the past week.  The grass is knee high now, a wondrous change from one month ago.  Last month there was nothing that was green, no grass, no deer running and playing.  Yesterday it was misty and cool, so the deer were running around and around the bushes playing chase.  Then you could see one pitching like a bucking horse.  He was really feeling his "oats"...more like corn.  The creek filled and ran a little, but did not wash anything out. 

I found a little blue flower in the creek bed a couple days ago...I decided to transplant it.  The dear deer had not eaten it, so I thought it would be a good plant for my rock garden.  I dug and carried and planted.  The next morning I thought it looked like it was laying funny.  Well, it was.  Something...I won't accuse the dear deer since I did not see them do it, but it was laying on top of the ground with it's little roots eaten off. Not the top, but the roots.  I stuck it back into the ground...will it grow some more roots?  Time will tell.

We had an accident on the porch yesterday.  I think it was a young cardinal flying to fast...he ran into the window and bam, down he went. He lay gasping and still. Then he was very still.  I checked on him in about 15 minutes...he was now upright, but still sitting.  The next time I looked at him he was gone.  I thought he was a goner for sure. 

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