Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pound cake update

The Pound cake is good, but I think I am still on the search for the perfect cake.  We had a Pound cake  last week at a church potluck that was just great.  I am waiting for that recipe to be sent to me.   In the meantime, I tried this I said, it is good, but it just doesn't come up to the bar.  There are about 4 more recipes in the box that I can try, but since they use so many eggs, I may wait. 

Trying a new recipe of someone else is always a challenge for me.  They just never seem to be as good, but I am up to the challenge and I know how it should taste and look. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry it wasn't great. You are right, that is a lot of eggs!!! Have you searched online for "the perfect poundcake"? Although, if you get one from someone that would be really special. Love you! What's for potluck dessert now that you've eaten this one?
