Saturday, June 22, 2019

Where does time go?

Already it is the last part of June 2019.  I have made some changes in my life.  Some I didn’t plan on making, but they are turning out okay.

I moved and bought a house.  I am enjoying the house, not to big and not to small.  Just right, if I don’t collect to much junk.  So easy to do.

My new project is a solid 1980’s oak side table.  I bought a small sander that just works great and have started sanding the top.  So now I have to decide whether to paint the top or stain the top.  I also have another side table, but it is a different kind and color, so I think I’m going to paint them both so they will at least be the same color.  I know some projects will be okay and some will be....what was I thinking? 😣

Let the fun begin.

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