While living in the far north, where it was windy and very cold, I planted Asiatic Lilies. They are so dependable, wind resistant, and they come back year after year. Saves time and money. The second year in Texas I bought one of those bags from Walmart...you know the ones?...I planted 2 packages in large containers and let them grow and bloom. Yes they did bloom. Then I transplanted on into the red clay soil of the Texas Hill Country. This year I am happy to say the ones in the pots are blooming and the one in the ground is going to bloom. This has been such a WET spring, so I did not know how they would like all the wet.
Last night we had more rain and a hurricane force wind. We have a lot of strong wind in this canyon, and this morning I was happy to see the lilies still standing and they still had their flower petals. As I said, a very dependable flower.
I do have them behind a fence...the deer will eat the bloom heads off if given a chance.
Such pretty flowers!