Burrrr, it is getting to be that time of year. The wind is changing from the South and coming from the North. Temps in the single digits... temps below the 0 mark. Oh, I don't miss it at all. We use to tell family and friends in the South how cold it was in the morning when we would spring from a nice warm bed onto nice warm carpet. Yes, we lived in a nice warm house with central heat, but it was cold out on the plains ! Cold and bitter. We often thought of the pioneer folks that lived in the Dakotas and even Canada in the late 1800's. It is a wonder they could survive and produce enough to live on. The poor women, oh just think what they went through.
But on to the cold fronts....burrrrr ---I have to smile---here in the canyon it is about 70 degrees and the sky is azure blue, the leaves are changing from green to their fall colors, the grass is starting to loose it's fresh green color, and everyone is enjoying the cooler weather. So a cold front coming down the canyon doesn't mean the same thing as it did in the North...not by a long shot. It is nice here and I hope I don't complain about a cold front coming. It won't last long.
I know, it's hilarious!