Monday, September 2, 2013

Pepper Plant

Remember the pepper plant that was rabbit pruned?  Well, bless it's little rabbit nipped heart.  It has a pepper and blooms now.  It is really starting to produce the peppers, well maybe two or three, but the principle of the things is---it is a pepper plant and it has peppers.  I can not fault it for not being big and bushy and loaded with peppers.  It had a hard beginning.  And since I am counting my peppers before they "hatch", I know this pepper will taste so good! Fresh, crisp, and full of flavor.  Doesn't that make you want to grow your own?

Growing you own is easy.  You will need:
1.  Pot with soil
2. Pepper seeds
3. Water
4. Keep soil moist until they come up and then fight off the bugs, rabbits and grasshoppers.
5.  HEB (grocery store)  here I come


  1. haha! Well, least it's producing now! It looks good!

  2. You are so funny! Maybe next year it will produce lots of peppers!! And pretty pictures of fall! AC
