Monday, July 22, 2013

Pride of Barbados "I will Survive"

A few weeks ago the very new and proud  Pride of Barbados underwent a change in life...It almost lost it's life---thanks to a rabbit...the deer dear wouldn't do that, would they?  Well, the rabbit received the blame, so a makeshift fence was put around both of the Prides to save them from further demise.  The one that received the clipping of its life, had maybe three leaves left.  All else were stems. 

But I didn't give up.  I watered it when it looked dry..not to much, lest the roots would stand in water, but just enough to keep it from experiencing our hot and dry conditions.  Every morning I would look to see if there were any new leaves.  But there did seem to be some kind of growth beginning on the stems.  Yes! Finally! I could see new leaves coming up out of the "ashes" of a rabbit feast. 

Once again it is beginning to look like a Pride of Barbados.

Now it has triple outside fence for the deer, and inside fence for the rabbits, and a bar of Zest.  I read that Zest would keep the deer away.  Not yet a proven fact by me.

Triple Protection


  1. Haha, that protection around the plant is impressive!! Wow! I hope it keeps all the leaf nibblers away! :)

  2. Hehe!! I just love the way you describe things! Bar of Zest--I think I have heard that as well somewhere. Hope your triple protection works!AC
