Saturday, July 6, 2013

Pride of Barbados Bit the Dust

Well, it had help!  Each night I have been covering it up, one night I did forget, but they were still fine the next morning.
We went out of the canyon yesterday afternoon and were back before dark.  I wanted to get some watering done and just look things over.  I did not notice, but hubby did...a rabbit was suspiciously close to the Pride of Barbados...He looked and then broke the news to me...only two little lone leaves were left. Oh the trials of living off the highway.

I have high hopes that the two little leaves will regroup and recharge and grow back into a beautiful Pride of Barbados.  Mine was only about 8 inches tall, but it was doing it's best to become a tall beautiful bush.


  1. Sorry about your plant!! I hope that it comes might could buy a big plant??? And glad the deer had their babies! AC

  2. And I like your tile!

  3. Awww, poor plant. :( Hope it springs back! With some tender loving care from you, I'm sure it will!
