Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Getting There on Time

We had an appointment...an important appointment, so we left very early. We had plenty of time to be there by noon. 
It was still kind of dark, so that tells you that it was before six in the morning.  The first hold up was our very own gate...it would not open...No open, no go through.  I had the keys, so finally hubby was able to disable the thing and get it open and closed.  That only took 15 minutes or so.  But we had plenty of time.  Next was a stop in our little town.  I needed to deliver some food for a family dinner that has lost a love one.  Another 10 or so minutes....still plenty of time.  On our way, such a beautiful day.  Happy, happy. 
About 7 miles down the road, hubby said something about Bible class material.  Yes, it was on the back seat.  He did a quick U turn ---no traffic at that time of day--and back to town we went.  Out I jump and up to the door I go...I must have held my mouth right, because the key worked the first time.  On the road again...Oh we have plenty of time...Next stop was an hour away....needed a sausage biscuit and a large coke for me and a small coffee for hubby.  Eat and drive, yes that is the way to travel.
So traffic was good in the Big City---no accidents--yea.  We were so early, that the next stop for a delivery of tiles found them still kind of in bed.  I mean, why shouldn't everyone be up and dressed at 8 on Saturday morning?  Well, the short visit began...................................had to be there by noon.........................had to be there by noon..................
On our way again.  Over hill and dale, around truck and pipe, we finally pull into "the town".  One more stop. I'll just stay in the car..says I.  Won't be a minute says Hubby.  We have plenty of time.  It is 11:25.  Here he comes!! On our way! Good thing our destination is just up and around the corner. We pull up. I was so glad to see another car unloading!! We were not last to arrive!

It was a good weekend.

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