Friday, July 12, 2013

Deer Dear Babies

I know, I can't really see much, but they are the two little fawns we have running around.  Now, these two do run and play at times together, but I am sure they have different mothers.  Sometimes, I even think one mother "fawnsits" the other fawn.  That deer, Old Faithful, is the one that fawnsits and gets around good.  The other we call "Ole Crip"...her name tells what is wrong with her.  But guess what?  She is always on time for a little feed.
2013 fawn
I wish I could have gotten a close up of the other fawn...they say that their spots are all different...kind of like fingerprints. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got a picture of the fawns!! They sure are pretty. You guys might have them tame in not time...
