Thursday, July 11, 2013

Another Sunrise

I am watching the sun come up the canyon...There are just enough clouds to give the sky a rosy orange glory.  The camera just can't do justice. ..well I should say my camera can't pick up the true beauty of the sky. 
We heard a strange sound the other day and saw something so sweet.  One of our deer dear has a fawn that is finally coming out into the open just a little.  But the other day it was bleating and running here and there around the field.  Mommy just kept on eating...and every now and then she would look up. The poor little thing sounded like it was in distress.  Mommy was not worried until the baby ran across the road onto the other side that has the bluff.  Then she turned and did a fast walk, then a trot out toward where her baby had gone.  She got to the edge of the trees and stopped. You could tell from her ears which way the baby had run.  She knew where it was.  I am sorry to say, we could not hear if mommy called to her baby. Within a minute, we saw the baby run up to her and start to nurse--tail just going.  We decided that the baby had lost his mommy and and with the grass so high could not see her.  Poor little thing was lost--but now is found. 

1 comment:

  1. Poor little thing. Sounds like it's doing good though! I'd love to see pictures if you can get some!

    Love you!
