Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My Mom and Dad

I almost forgot what today was.  Today was my parents anniversary.  They were married in 1937.  It was the lean years...beans one day and pasta the next.  They married and lived in the same area that they were born in.  Never having the need to go see the world...they were happy on the land and satisfied with what they had.  They made do with what they had, helped their neighbor when they could and worked hard.
They were married 61 years before Mom died in 1998. Lots of interesting changes happened during their lives. I miss them, but I know they are now resting from their toil here on earth.  They had mighty few days of rest while here.

1 comment:

  1. I miss them too. I think what impressed me the most was that they were soooooo content. That amazes me more and more as the time goes by. They are my biblical example of contentment. AC
