Monday, June 24, 2013

Epithelantha Micromeris

Well, I can't pronounce the name, but in run of the mill people, it is called a button cacti.  I have one that is doing well, the only problem....I can't catch it blooming.  All of a sudden the little red fruit are there.  One day there is one red fruit, 3 days later there are more...when does it bloom?? So, I think I am going to have to check it every morning.
The sneaky little thing. There is another cacti also blooming...but I can't see it when the bloom is open...I always catch it when it has closed.  More research...(checking more often)


  1. They are sneaky! I hope you catch one open. I got Andre a passion fruit plant--gorgeous blooms. Well, they only last for a day or so. Didn't know that when I got it for him. It is still pretty though!

  2. My hybiscus plant blooms only last about a day too! Wish they were like marigolds, right?

  3. And by the way, that is an interesting looking bloom. Good job with the links, Mom!
