Monday, May 20, 2013

A Sunrise in the Canyon

Finally! It was early in the morning-
-the sky was heavy overcast.  I was sitting in my glider, gliding when I noticed a ball of fire on the mountain top.  It took a second to realize that is was the sun.  I ran for the camera...well it was a fast walk, and turned the camera on.  Looking out our windows it did not show anything on the camera...our windows are tinted.  So I grabbed the cell phone.  It is so slow to turn on!  In the meantime, the clouds are rolling by and the sun is coming and going in its fiery glow.  Finally the phone is on.  By now I am out on the porch leaning over the rail.  Heavy clouds, no sun...but they were moving fast, so I waited...ahhh it was starting to shine though a little more.  I started taking pictures.  The brightness made the long streaks on the pictures, and it does not show the magnificence of the color, but for the first time, I have seen the suns glory here in the canyon.  You see, at other times when there are no clouds, the sun is way up in the sky by the time it comes over the mountain.  No color----just the sun shining.

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